The point is not Tara Reade's "character flaws." It's that, as a known liar, we cannot rely on her testimony about what happened between her and Biden.
Could her lies be a product of abuse? Sure, but there is no way of telling whether it was abuse by Joe Biden or not. In one of her Medium posts, she claims that the first man to abuse her (not sexually but physically and emotionally) was her father. Maybe, as her husband suggested in his statements to the divorce court, her allegations of abuse against other people (both her husband and Joe Biden) stemmed from unresolved issues with abuse in her family. Or maybe her abuse by her husband (with whom she was still living when she allegedly made her disclosure about being assaulted by Biden to Lynda LaCasse) somehow prompted her to spin fictions about abuse by her former boss. Who knows? The bottom line is that this is an unreliable witness telling an implausible story. I don't think it's inappropriate to call it discredited.