“Made-up word” generally means “you just made it up,” not “you borrowed it from a renowned literary classic from which a lot of terms have entered everyday usage.” Is “Big Brother” also a made-up term?
“200% wrong,” lol. Your math is as bad as your English. If you want to insist that two brief references to the NEA rebranding away from Dr Seuss is not the same as being “scrubbed,” be my guest. Ditto if you want to argue that the largest teachers’ union has no influence on schools.
By the way, I pointed out to you that I gave two examples of librarians citing the Kathy Ishizuka paper: a glowing review of the paper in School Library Journal (the leading trade magazine in the field), and a librarian returning Melania Trump’s donation of Dr. Seuss books.
As for the “choices of consumers,” as of now there are six Dr. Seuss books (including his first children’s books) that consumers no longer have a choice to buy — even used, because eBay is taking them down.
But sure, stick to your “all bad things come from the right” position. I’m done. Blocking you, since you’re now resorting to insults.