I see. So a woman who calls the Parking Enforcement Bureau to report a car parked in a crosswalk, with no idea who its owners are, is acting on an unconscious belief that she's entitled to "control the behavior of black people"? No driver ever cuts off another driver and them flips them off when they are of the same race?
Here's a "Karen" story for you: The day after Hurricane Sandy, with the power out at my house, I drove to the local Shop Rite (which has a Dunkin Donuts inside) to get hot coffee for myself and my mother. It was complete chaos in the parking lot. When I was pulling out of my spot, I bumped very slightly into another car that was also pulling out. A woman jumped out of the other car and started yelling that it was my fault and that I had scratched her car which she had just had painted. (I couldn't see any scratches.) I readily gave her my insurance information, but she still insisted on calling the police to make a report. Again, this was the morning after Hurricane Sandy, when there was a massive amount of property damage and injury in the area. It was only when she was told that it would take at least 2-3 hours for a cop to get out there that she finally gave up.
She was white. I'm also white.
What if there was a black driver in my place? Would her motivation suddenly change?
Maybe stop seeing everything through a racial lens? But of course that would require thinking rather than mindlessly spouting social justice jargon, a la George Orwell's "1984": "A Party member called upon to make a political or ethical judgement should be able to spray forth the correct opinions as automatically as a machine gun spraying forth bullets."